Friday, January 9, 2009

VLCD day 33 and a drop in weight! WOO HOO

Hello out is VLCD day 33 for me. FINALLY saw a weight I am at 171.4. This is what I did differently yesterday:

~Worked out only cardio (and did elliptical for 30 a sweat going but it was not a hardcore workout).

~Didn't have a BM (I know...TMI, but it's important to document this!)

~For lunch ,my normal soup in which I use my homemade broth, shrimp, and cabbage, I didn't consume all the broth (may be onto something here!)

~Used 1T of milk in my coffee. It was yummy! Wonder if this has anything to do with it?

So...the mystery continues. As long as I am dropping something- inches or weight, I will continue on Phase 2. I am planning that my last day will be 1/27 putting me at 47 days dosing (remember, I did 1 week of real HCG shots and my body didn't seem to like that!).

Some may wonder why I pick that date? It's because I am going out of town two weekends in a row where I won't be able to stick with the VLCD. Not due to lack of will power...just the events I'm going to, and being out of town. Depending on what my LIW is, that will decide if I will do another round :)

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