Monday, June 8, 2009

New, darker hair!

Treated myself to a hair job today :) I went darker....wore a dark wig for my husband's surprise party and got a lot of compliments, so I decided to go dark!

Off work today..then on tomorrow for overtime, work on Wed, then off until Sunday. I am going out of town for training, then starting my new, temporary promotion job! Exciting!
Hope everyone in HCG land is doing awesome. I am still trucking along in p3/p4. Still somewhat stable. Still deciding if I will do another round. I weigh 161- but get that most folks think I weight between 120- 140. I am lucky..I have a lot of muscle-so I am lean and compact :)


  1. I love the new color!! You are looking good! What an inspiration you are to the others out there still plugging along on Phase 2 - like me!

  2. Your hair looks great!! I love that you are going with a whole new look! Your confidence and energy are truly an inspiration!! Thank you!!!

  3. You sure are lean and compact! You definitely look around 140. Love the new do as well.
